Corporate Sustainability

Corporate Stakeholders

Corporate Stakeholders

St.Shine’s main corporate stakeholders are identified as shareholders and investors, customers, suppliers, employees, government and competent authorities, and the community. About the issues that the stakeholders concern, we will communicate with stakeholders through each relative contact person, in the ways of questionnaires, e-mail communications, physical meetings, and conference calls to understand their expectations and needs and respond appropriately.
The company reports the status of communication with various stakeholders regularly to the Board of Directors. Status of communication with various stakeholders in 2023 had been reported to the Board of Directors on November 7, 2024. Relevant material is as follows:

Corporate Stakeholders Top Concern Issues Communication Channels, Response Methods, and Communication Frequency 2023 Outcome of Communication with Corporate Stakeholders
Shareholders and Investors 1.Corporate governance
2.Business performance
3.Information transparency
A shareholders' meeting is held annually.
An investor meeting is held annually.
Issue annual report annually.
Publish financial statements quarterly.
Publish revenue information monthly.
Irregular discloses material information in the Market Observation Post System.
Irregular investor visits.
Deputy Manager Hua-Ling Chou (spokesperson)
TEL: 886-2-2647-1578
Stock service agency: Yuanta Securities Co., Ltd.
Stock service Address: B1, No. 210, Section 3, Chengde Road, Datong District, Taipei City
Stock service TEL: 886-2-2586-5859
Held a shareholders' meeting.
Held an investor meeting.
Issue annual report.
Publish financial statements quarterly.
Publish revenue information monthly.
Total disclose 20 Chinese/English material information in the Market Observation Post System.
Irregular meetings with institutional investors.
Responses to investor inquiries.
Customers 1.Product quality
2.Innovative research and development
3.Customer relations
4.Protection of customer rights and interests
5.Regulatory compliance
Irregular business visits and audits.
Irregular exhibition activities.
Conduct customer satisfaction surveys annually.
Set up a consumer service telephone and email.
Consumer service TEL: 0800-212-735
OEM Business:
Customer satisfaction is rated 147.9 points in Overseas customers (out of 150 points) and 89.84 points in Taiwan (out of 100 points).
The official website communication mailbox has total 88 replies.
Suppliers 1.Product quality
2.Integrity management and regulatory compliance
3.Supply chain management
Annual supplier evaluation.
Irregular held the communication meetings.
Total 50 major suppliers were evaluated:
Grade A: 84%
Grade B: 16%
Grade C: 0%
Grade D: 0%
Supplier annual important notes: added 3 new items
Employees 1.Compensation and welfare
2.Education and training
3.Labor-management relations
4.Occupational health and safety
Provide employee suggestion box to express all kinds of opinions.
Irregular provide employee training and education.
Regular held the labor-management meeting.
Provide annual employee physical examination.
Held occupational safety and health meetings quarterly.
Perform operation environment monitoring every half-year.
Contact: the company's internal employee suggestion box
Employee suggestion box has received 427 opinions, all of them already replied and communicated.
Provide employee training and education total 7,272 people with total 20,638 hours.
Provide employee physical examination total 2,224 people, and special health examination (noise) in each factory area with total 197 people.
Held the labor-management meeting 4 times, and 28 times of the occupational safety and health meetings.
Government and Competent Authorities 1.Corporate Governance
2.Risk management
3.Regulatory compliance
4.Cyber security management
5.Environment policy and management
Irregular official documents correspondence, email and telephone communication.
Irregular attending the forum or seminar.
Irregular on-site audits.
Deputy Manager Hua-Ling Chou (spokesperson)
TEL: 886-2-2647-1578
Attending the seminars held by the Competent Authorities , such as the Ministry of Economic Affairs, the Ministry of Labor, the Department of Environmental Protection, the Department of Health, and the Taipei Exchange.
Community 1.Environmental issues
2.Employment opportunities
Maintain good communication with the community residents.
Provide employee the shuttlebus.
Participate in the community activities.
Provide community employees the shuttlebus, with approximately 3,265 trips made, accommodating around 51,000 passengers.
Regular participate in the community blood donations activity annually.