Corporate Governance

Corporate Governance

Implementation of Ethical Corporate Management

St. Shine Optical attaches great importance to business ethics and requires all company members to be honest and upright. The company has formulated relevant regulations on insider trading and published them on its official website. External contracts also include integrity management clauses. The administration department, together with the audit division, handles the following matters regularly every year:

1. Review and revision of regulations related to integrity management
According to the results of the 2023 inspection, the current regulations are in line with the current situation, so there is no need to revise them.

2. Educational promotion
(1) Integrity management: In addition to posting the "Procedures for Ethical Management and Guidelines for Conduct" on the bulletin board for employees to read, it has been included in the education and training of new recruits since 2022 to promote the basic spirit of integrity.
(2) Insider trading: The file is already put on the company’s website and placed in the employee area of the company

This year (2023), education and promotion on the following topics have been carried out for directors and middle and senior managers:
1.Regulations on insider trading
2.Material information management
3.Exercising the right of claim for disgorgement
4.Filing stocks information by insiders
5.Violation handling
6.Reference materials

The implementation of ethical corporate management in 2023was reported to the board of directors on November 1, 2023.